Retort Furnace Cooling Systems
Retort Furnace Cooling Systems
Retort Furnace Cooling Systems


Retort Furnace Cooling Systems

Indirect cooling (hot-wall retort furnaces)

  • Ambient air is blown onto the outer retorte surface to cool it down. The waste heat is removed via the exhaust air outlet of the furnace.
  • The charge is cooled indirectly, which means that the atmosphere in the retort is not affected by the cooling
  • The charge cannot be quenched with the cooling system

Direct cooling (cold-wall and hot-wall retort furnaces) 

  • Rapid gas cooling in the retort. For this purpose, the furnace atmosphere is circulated through a heat exchanger.
  • The system pressure is not increased by the cooling; there is no gas quenching at high pressure
  • Not available for processes with flammable furnace atmospheres

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