Forced Convection Bogie Hearth Furnaces
Forced Convection Bogie Hearth Furnaces
Forced Convection Bogie Hearth Furnaces
Forced Convection Bogie Hearth Furnaces
Forced Convection Bogie Hearth Furnaces
Forced Convection Bogie Hearth Furnaces


Forced Convection Bogie Hearth Furnaces

The forced convection bogie hearth furnaces W 1000/60A - W 8300/85A are used when heavy charges weighing have to be heat-treated. They are ideal for processes such as solution like glass tempering or cooling from glass, for which a good temperature uniformity is crucial. The high-performance air circulation assures that the temperature uniformity achieved throughout the work space is outstanding. A broad selection of additional equipment enables these bogie hearth furnaces to be optimally adapted to suit specific processes. 

  • Tmax 600  °C or 850  °C
  • Dual shell housing with rear ventilation provides for low shell temperatures for the 850  °C models
  • Swing door hinged on the right side
  • Heating from chrome steel heating elements for the 600  °C models
  • Heating from three sides (both side walls and the trolley) for the 850  °C models
  • High-performance air circulation fan with vertical circulation
  • Temperature uniformity up to +/- 5 °C according to DIN 17052-1
  • Bottom heating protected by SiC tiles on the bogie providing level stacking surface for the 850  °C models
  • Furnace chamber fitted with inner sheets made of stainless steel 1.4301 for 600  °C models and of 1.4828 for 850  °C models
  • Insulation structured with high-quality mineral wool for 600  °C models
  • Exclusive use of insulation materials without categorization according to EC Regulation No 1272/2008 (CLP). This explicitly means that alumino silicate wool, also known as “refractory ceramic fiber” (RCF), which is classified and possibly carcinogenic, is not used.
  • Bogies with flanged wheels running on rails for easy and precise movement of heavy loads
  • Electric chain-driven bogie in combination with rail operation for smooth movement of heavy loads from model W 4800
  • Over-temperature limiter with adjustable cutout temperature as temperature limiter to protect the oven and load
  • Defined application within the constraints of the operating instructions
  • NTLog Basic for Nabertherm controller: recording of process data with USB-flash drive
  • Controller B500 (5 prgrams with each 4 segments)

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